The 2023 RVOD G-RIDE, the Tour de Maryhill and University of Maryhill
Freeride, University, and Crew options available…
The entry fee is $300.00 USD for all three days, no single day passes will be sold. You can register at www.maryhillratz.com. Registration is open June 3, 2023 @ 10am PDT at www.maryhillratz.com.
Entry fee includes;
– 3 days of safely riding the famous Maryhill Loops Road
– Timed runs throughout the weekend
– A timed run for a chance to qualify for the Tour de Maryhill
– A personalized laminated badge and lanyard
– A Maryhill Ratz water bottle, refill it throughout the weekend!
– A hot lunch each day, non-meat options are available
– Camping at the bottom of the hill
– Breakfast each morning in the campground, stop by while waiting for the gates to open
– Free entry to Club HueyLove, with DJ HueyLove spinning tunes and dancing into the night
– Optional entry into the Zealous Outlaw
THERE ARE NO REFUNDS! 2nd PARTY SALES ARE NOT ALLOWED! Be sure you can go before you register. If you purchased an entry and cannot go contact the Ratz at [email protected]
Leathers are REQUIRED as are a full face helmet, gloves. We will offer the “no leather tax” of $20 for the weekend (paid in cash on site as a donation to the EMT’s), which will allow you to ride the hill without leathers. Anyone racing MUST wear leathers during their race and solo qualifying runs.
Spectators and supporters are welcome and food and beverages available on site.
Schedule for the weekend (times subject to change)
– 8:45 Riders meeting
– 9:00 am to 4:00 pm – Open riding
– 4:00 pm to whenever we finish – Solo Timed qualifying run
– 9:00 am to 4 pm – Open riding
– 4:00 pm to finish – Tour de Maryhill Racing
– 9:00 am to 5:00 pm – Open riding
Times may vary, all times are approximate
We will try and get as many runs as possible each day. Remember we can get more runs in if we limit our time hanging out at the top of the hill. As you know from previous years, this event happens rain or shine.
The top 24 qualifiers per class will race. Your qualifying time is made up of one solo run plus the average of your 2 fastest times between approximately 1pm and 3pm on Saturday, this time window will be announced ahead of time. You must have at least 2 runs within this time period to qualify for the Tour de Maryhill. The maximum racers per class is 24, if there are more than 24 racers in a class, only the top 24 times will race.
Racing for those who qualify will start at approximately 4pm on Sunday.
We will be racing the following classes, Standup – Mens, Standup – Women, Mens – Luge, Womens – luge, Adaptive and Inline.
We will run additional classes (masters, jr’s, ect) during the freeride portion, if there are enough riders.
RVOD! (Ryan Vanderveen or Die!)
In honor of Ryan Vanderveen, a Ratz who left us too soon, we want to bring awareness the mental health issues that someone you know, if not yourself, is suffering from. You are not alone and do not be afraid to seek help where ever you can. You may know someone, maybe someone very close, who took their own life this last year and we would like very much to prevent that from happening again. RVOD!
The Ratz and Skate School of Santa Fe are pleased to bring back The University of Maryhill, Class of 2023. Headmaster Joe and his world class coaching staff will be returning for the weekend, with on-course coaching for all skill levels of skateboarding and streetluge.
Less experienced riders will have a chance to learn the skills they’ll need them to ride the Loops road from the top by the end of the weekend. High speed safety skills make the difference between falling and crashing. Learn 3 ways to slow down and 4 ways to stop at speed, how to identify different types of turns, cornering techniques and the relationship between hand sliding and wheel sliding.
Advanced riders will be learning start techniques, power pushing, the tactics of drafting, passing, cornering and advancing. Learn about how king pin angles, bushing and wheels sizes, shapes and duros can increase performance. Riders will also be given individualized ‘Homework’ to help them continue to improve and encouraged to set goals for racing.
The University of Maryhill is an additional $107.00 USD, ($100 plus $7 in local sales tax), to the G-Ride fee and you’ll get a University of Maryhill T-Shirt!
University of Maryhill 2023 – Must Pay for both the Freeride and UM.
Schedule – 3 Day Camp – Sept.1-3
– Day 1 – Friday 9/1 at 3pm – Student meeting at bottom of the hill / Learn to Slow and Stop
– Day 2 – Saturday 9/2 – 9-5pm – Learn to Turn / Group Runs
– Day 3 – Sunday 9/3 – 9-5pm – Group Runs / Graduation Day
– Day 4 – Monday 9/4 – 9-5pm – You’re ready to be on your own with your fellow classmates and the main Freeride group!
Recommended Gear and Requirements –
– Must be able to Footbrake at 20mph. Practice now to be ready!
– Full Face Helmet, longboard, pads, and slide gloves.
– Round edge Sliding wheels and Sharp lip Downhill wheels.
– Message us on Social media for questions on any of this.
Our heartfelt thanks goes to The Maryhill Museum of Art and The Wolfe Family for all they do for us.
We also want to thank our current sponsors, Xavia Racing, (Thank you Shabbir for contributing a new set of leathers!) Woodinville CPA, Eastside Longboards, Skate School of Santa Fe, and all of you, our fellow Ratz for coming out and supporting this event.
Please contact the Ratz for sponsorship opportunities.